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Welcome to The Gables Veterinary Centre in Hessle, East Riding, Yorkshire

- the complete veterinary healthcare for your pets from your local vets in Hessle

img vet with cat patientThe Gables Veterinary Centre is a well established small animal practice. Our friendly team of vets , nurses, and receptionists are all committed to providing your pet with the very best in veterinary care.

Why Choose Gables Vets

As pet owners ourselves, here at Gables Vets we understand the need for excellent treatment and advice in a welcoming and friendly environment. We know your pet is a cherished member of the family and we aim to make your visits as enjoyable as we possibly can, for both of you.

Alongside our vets’ expertise, our dedicated nurses run regular clinics, which include weight checks, over 8’s clinics, and puppy and kitten checks and can advise you on any aspects of your pet’s care and treatment – to help keep your pet happy and healthy throughout its life.

We have expanded our surgery over the years, to create larger operating and dental suites – while our in-house laboratory facilities include x-ray, ultrasound, endoscope, ECG and cardiology equipment. So you have access to all the facilities your pet could need.

We look forward to welcoming you and your pet to our practice.

Pet Health for Life Plan

Plans startfrom £16.00per month

Spread the cost of essential healthcare for your pet with our preventative healthcare plan.

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